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Present Tense (My Daily Activity) & Past Tense (My Unforgettable Moment)

1. Daily Acivity

I wake up at 05:00 in the morning every day using an alarm. Then, I brush my teeth and wudoo’.
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After that, I do fajr prayer and I read some Quran verses because I am Muslim. Next, I look at my
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cellphone to agree that there was important information.

I take a shower at 07:00. Followed by I makes a breakfast. I make bread for me and my little brother.
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I finish breakfast at 08:00. I go to campus at 09:00.
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On campus, I take classes at 9:30. My activities in class are always write important things that need
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to be noted. Then, at 11:30 I have lunch with friends around campus. Next, me with my friend do the
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midday prayer at the mosque. After the midday prayer, if there is still my class, I go back to the
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campus. But if not i will go straight home. But if there are organizational needs, I will go to the
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organization's association because I take part in BEM organization.
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2. Unforgettable Moment

Last year, I went on vacation to BekasiI went to Bekasi with my father and my brothers. From 
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home, we leave at 6 pmWe spent the traffic jam on the way to Bekasi. Until we arrived at bekasi at 9 pm.
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When we arrived at Bekasiwe talked with the family, there were grandmother, aunts, uncles, and
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cousinsIt was latethen we slept.
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I woke up at 5 am and i did fajr prayer. Then I took a shower and had breakfast. At 11 o'clock in the
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afternoon, we traveled to the Trans Snow World in BekasiWe wanted to play there. When we arrived 
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in the Trans Snow Worldwe decided to have lunch in Ra-cha and not immediately play snow. After
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eating, we went to the snow location at upstairs. When playing with my brothers and cousins, I am
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the oldest, so I had to trust them in the location of the game. The game went smoothly, it didn't feel
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like it had been 2 hours since we were in the snowmy brothers and cousins were cold in the last
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minute when we played.

Our playtime was over, then we left with happy feeling. On the way home, we went to the Klinik 
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Mata Nusantara to examine the eyes of my younger cousin, Akbar. This is a routine thing to do to 
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find out about my cousin's eye health. There, we provided coffee and tea then we drank itWe also 
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ate  some biscuits that provide there. It is late, and we went home.
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Postingan populer dari blog ini

Modals and Passive Voice in Articles

Modals in The Article: Passive Voice in The Article:

Fungsi Keluarga Bagi Pembentukan Karakter Anak

Definisi keluarga secara bahasa yaitu unit terkecil dari masyarakat yang terdiri atas kepala keluarga dan beberapa orang yang terkumpul dan tinggal di suatu tempat di bawah suatu atap dalam keadaan saling ketergantungan. Keluarga berperan penting bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak serta dalam pembentukan karekter anak. Orangtua yang cerdas akan menghasilkan anak yang cerdas pula, oleh karena itu keluarga terutama orangtua sangatlah berpengaruh untuk pembentukan karakter anak mulai dari bayi hingga ia dewasa. Pembentukan karakter anak akan banyak terjadi didalam rumah dimana anak sedang bersama keluarga. Dalam satu keluarga harus ada waktu untuk berkumpul bersama, minimal satu minggu sekali agar komunikasi terjalin akrab. Hal tersebut sangat berpengaruh dalam pembentukan karakter anak. Dalam suatu karakter anak pasti telah meniru perilaku anggota keluarga yang ia lihat, maka sebagai orangtua/keluarga haruslah memberi contoh yang baik untuk anak. Apabila ada karakter ata